24 February, 2007

And this blog?

So, after putting most bloggers into categories, where does this one fit? Well, most likely it's a Worshipper. I hope, though, that it contains something of the Reporter as well, producing some truth that is virtuous and honourable. Here you will find no pictures, and no prostitution. My hope is that this blog will be a service to someone, to the "homeless souls wandering the world". Reporters take note: I am not speaking of people who wander the streets without a roof over their head. Such people indeed need help and love....but this blog is not about them.

This blog is the inner heart of a wandering soul who has heard the cry of other wandering souls, a cry for hope, for security, for a home to rest and be at peace. We human beings were created (yes, created) with an innate longing for another place, not in space but in our souls. We long to be in union with the one who loved us first, so long ago. And yet, we are blinded by the savagery of our choices and those of the people around us, lead into the darkness and away from our security by the Evil Schemer's designs.

So let this blog stand as a voice of one who knows the way home, who cries out in the wilderness to speak of the one who will lead us home.

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