15 October, 2007

Hope in the desert

I used to wonder why it is that so many great writers were really messed up. Drunkeness usually scoots to the front, just ahead of depression. Maybe that's because they are so often linked. If you're depressed enough, for long enough, you eventually say, "Well, I certainly can't get any worse! Why not drink myself into oblivion? At least then I won't know how depressed I am!" Never works though. You wake from the stupor, expel your body-poison to more poignantly feel the sting of the spirit-poison. And things aren't any better. Except....while you were drunk...at least then.....

In that moment of absolute bottomness, you feel your humanity so strongly that you understand just what a hellhole you are in. But....we are the people of Christ. We are the light of the world, the bright progeny of the Holy God. So we do not give in, we do not drink deep of the delusions of this world to find oblivion. To the wonder and amazement of all, we seek out the hellholes; we wallow in the abyss and embed ourselves in sorrow. We bury ourselves in the muck and decay of the world's worst fears without fear. You see, we know something they do not and we possess the thing the people of this world yearn for: God's secret wisdom.

Do you know of his secret? Have you heard it? My dear children, do not listen to the lie that our secret is just a fairy tale, an imagining to make up for the lack of substance to our lives. God's secret wisdom, his great mystery, is life. It gives us the freedom to delve into the deep shining brightly with all the love of heaven. The light of the Mystery purifies and sears into the flesh of those buried in the muck and decay. It shows them the True Light that offers a way to shine in the pit and never get sucked under. Dear ones, do not despair. It is in the darkness of life that the Light of the Mystery is the most clear.

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